Multiple Ascending Dose Study of Oxfendazole in Healthy Adult Volunteers

Conditions:Infectious Disease
Therapuetic Areas:Immunology / Infectious Diseases
Age Range:18 - 45
Start Date:May 12, 2017
End Date:March 21, 2019

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A Phase 1 Open Label, Multiple Ascending Dose Study of Oxfendazole in Healthy Adult Volunteers

This Phase I study is an open label multiple ascending dose evaluation of the safety and PK
of oxfendazole (3, 7.5, or 15 mg/kg) given orally daily to healthy adult men and nonpregnant
women aged 18-45 followed by a single dose cross over trial evaluating the safety and
pharmacokinetics of a single dose of oxfendazole (3 mg/kg) given following an 8 hour fast or
following a high fat meal. The study duration will be approximately 12 months with each
subject participation lasting approximately 6 weeks. In the multiple ascending dose
evaluation, between 8 and 24 subjects will be enrolled; each dose group will be comprised of
eight volunteers. To enhance safety, one sentinel subject will be dosed for five days and
monitored for 7 days from the time of the first dose for predefined adverse events. If there
are no predefined safety events, a second sentinel subject will be enrolled and followed for
a total of 7 days. If there are no predefined safety signals identified for either of these
two sentinel subjects, the remaining subjects in the group will be enrolled. After all eight
subjects have completed the 10 day follow up period, an electronic safety review of the
electronic data will be performed. If none of the predefined safety events have occurred DMID
will approve enrollment into the second dose group (7.5 mg/kg oxfendazole daily x 5 days) and
will be monitored for a total of 7 days each for predefined adverse events prior to enrolling
the remaining subjects in the group. After the 10 day follow up period has been completed for
group 2, an electronic safety review will be completed and if no predefined events have
occurred two sequential subjects (one at a time with 7 days between each subject) will be
enrolled into the third dose group (15 mg/kg oxfendazole daily x 5 days) and will be
monitored for a total of 7 days each for predefined safety events prior to enrolling the
remaining subjects in the group. In the food effects evaluation, 12 subjects will be enrolled
into the single dose cross over group where half of the subjects will initially receive a
single dose of 3 mg/kg of oxfendazole following an 8 hour fast and the other half will
receive a single dose of 3 mg/kg of oxfendazole following a high fat meal. Subjects will then
cross over to receive a single dose following a high fat breakfast or fasting period (water
is permitted). All subjects will have received a dose of oxfendazole following both a fasting
period and a meal. The primary objectives are: 1) To assess the safety of oxfendazole
administered daily for five days; and 2) To assess the safety of oxfendazole administered as
a single dose with or without food.

This Phase I study is an open label multiple ascending dose evaluation of the safety and PK
of oxfendazole (3, 7.5, or 15 mg/kg) given orally daily to healthy adult men and nonpregnant
women aged 18-45 followed by a single dose cross over trial evaluating the safety and
pharmacokinetics of a single dose of oxfendazole (3 mg/kg) given following an 8 hour fast or
following a high fat meal. The study duration will be approximately 12 months with each
subject participation lasting approximately 6 weeks. In the multiple ascending dose
evaluation, between 8 and 24 subjects will be enrolled; each dose group will be comprised of
eight volunteers. To enhance safety, one sentinel subject will be dosed for five days and
monitored for 7 days from the time of the first dose for predefined adverse events. If there
are no predefined safety events, a second sentinel subject will be enrolled and followed for
a total of 7 days. If there are no predefined safety signals identified for either of these
two sentinel subjects, the remaining subjects in the group will be enrolled. After all eight
subjects have completed the 10 day follow up period, an electronic safety review of the
electronic data will be performed. If none of the predefined safety events have occurred DMID
will approve enrollment into the second dose group (7.5 mg/kg oxfendazole daily x 5 days) and
will be monitored for a total of 7 days each for predefined adverse events prior to enrolling
the remaining subjects in the group. After the 10 day follow up period has been completed for
group 2, an electronic safety review will be completed and if no predefined events have
occurred two sequential subjects (one at a time with 7 days between each subject) will be
enrolled into the third dose group (15 mg/kg oxfendazole daily x 5 days) and will be
monitored for a total of 7 days each for predefined safety events prior to enrolling the
remaining subjects in the group. In the food effects evaluation, 12 subjects will be enrolled
into the single dose cross over group where half of the subjects will initially receive a
single dose of 3 mg/kg of oxfendazole following an 8 hour fast and the other half will
receive a single dose of 3 mg/kg of oxfendazole following a high fat meal. Subjects will then
cross over to receive a single dose following a high fat breakfast or fasting period (water
is permitted). All subjects will have received a dose of oxfendazole following both a fasting
period and a meal. The primary objectives are: 1) To assess the safety of oxfendazole
administered daily for five days; and 2) To assess the safety of oxfendazole administered as
a single dose with or without food. The secondary objectives are: 1) To define the multi-dose
kinetics of oxfendazole; and 2) To determine the effect of food on the kinetics of

Inclusion Criteria:

1. Males and nonpregnant females between the ages of 18 and 45 years, inclusive.

2. Women of childbearing potential* must agree to practice adequate contraception** for
the 28-day period before Day 0 through 4 months after the last dose of study

* A woman is considered of childbearing potential unless surgically sterile (tubal
ligation, bilateral oophorectomy, or hysterectomy) or post-menopausal (=1 year).

**Acceptable birth control methods include but are not limited to: abstinence from
sexual intercourse with men; monogamous relationship with a vasectomized partner;
double-barrier methods (condoms, diaphragms, spermicides); intrauterine devices; and
licensed hormonal methods.

3. In good health, as judged by the investigator and determined by vital signs*

*Temperature < 38°C, heart rate <= 100 bpm and > 50 bpm, systolic blood pressure <=
140 mmHg and > 89 mmHg, diastolic blood pressure <= 90 mmHg and = 60 mm Hg, medical
history and a targeted physical examination. BMI >= 18 and <= 35. Athletically trained
subjects with a pulse >= 45 may be enrolled at the discretion of the principal
investigator or designated licensed clinical investigator. Acceptable screening
laboratories: Hemoglobin, white blood cell (WBC) count, neutrophil, and platelet
counts, INR and PTT within normal ranges. AST < 44 and ALT < 44 and total bilirubin,
creatinine must be equal to or below the upper limit of normal (creatinine values
below the normal range are acceptable). Random blood glucose must be <140. Urine
dipstick testing must be negative for glucose and negative or trace for protein. The
following serology tests must be negative: HIV 1/2 antibody, hepatitis B surface
antigen (HBsAg), and hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibody. HIV and hepatitis C viral load
PCR testing may be performed for individuals suspected of having indeterminate
antibody testing.

4. Male participants must be willing to ensure use of condoms and spermicides for 4
months after the last dose study medication.

5. Provide written informed consent before initiation of any study procedures.

6. Willing to be available for all study-required procedures, and visits for the duration
of the study.

7. Individuals must agree to abstain from drug or alcohol use for 48 hours prior to
enrollment through day 10 or 14.

8. Able to provide a home phone number, and the name, address, and/or email of a person
willing to assist with making contact during the follow-up phase of the study.

Exclusion Criteria:

1. Pregnant women, women who are planning to become pregnant in the next 4 months, or
women who are breastfeeding.

2. Body temperature >=100.4°F (>=38.0°C) or acute illness within 3 days before
administration of study drug (subject may be rescheduled).

3. Chronic or acute medical disorder*

- Disorders of the cardiac, pulmonary, liver, kidney, neurologic, gastrointestinal
or other system, such that in the opinion of the investigator participation in
the study creates additional risk to the subject, or to the validity of the

4. Use of chronic systemic medications* *Intermittent use of over the counter medications
such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, cold and sinus medications are permitted for
enrollment Topical medications, nasal steroids are permitted throughout the study. Use
of prescription medications used less than once per week on average are permitted for
enrollment. If the subject has taken a short term prescription medication within the
past 30 days (e.g. an antibiotic), they should be postponed from enrollment until 30
days have elapsed since the last dose.

5. Has history of sensitivity to related benzimidazole compounds (e.g., albendazole,

6. A diagnosis of schizophrenia, bipolar disease, or history of hospitalization for a
psychiatric condition or previous suicide attempt.

7. A history of treatment for any other psychiatric disorder in the past 3 years.*

*Past treatment for ADHD does not exclude participants from enrollment as long as the
medications have been discontinued for a minimum of 3 months and symptoms are well

8. Received an experimental agent* within 1 month before administration of study drug or
expect to receive an experimental agent during the 10 or 14-day study period.

*Vaccine, drug, biologic, device, blood product, or medication.

9. Any condition that would, in the opinion of the investigator, interfere with the

*This includes any condition that would place them at an unacceptable risk of injury,
render them unable to meet the requirements of the protocol, or that may interfere
with successful completion of the study.

10. A history of heavy alcohol* or illicit drug use**, or history of substance abuse#.

*On average, greater than 7 alcoholic drinks per week. .

**Other than occasional marijuana use (less than once per week for the past 60 days is

#Alcohol or illicit drugs within the past 3 years.

11. History of chronic tobacco use in the past 60 days.* *A history of occasional tobacco
use (less than 1 pack per week on average) is acceptable. Individuals will be
counseled to abstain from use of tobacco and marijuana from screening through day 10
or 14.
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