Study of Patient Navigation to Promote Colon Cancer Screening

Conditions:Colorectal Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:52 - 75
Start Date:September 2008
End Date:March 2010

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Randomized Controlled Trial of Patient Navigation to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates Among Community Health Center Patients

This study will investigate whether patient navigation can increase rates of colorectal
cancer screening among linguistically and culturally diverse disadvantaged patients served
by urban community health centers.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Patients aged 52-75 who had one visit to a primary care physician in a community
health center in each of the 2 previous years and who have not received colorectal
cancer screening based on HEDIS criteria.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Current cancer diagnosis, undergoing treatment (or treatment completed within the
past year)

- Severe cardiac disease (high-risk CAD,9 valvular disease, NYHA Class III or IV CHF,
EF < 35%)

- Severe COPD (FEV1< 1liter or on home oxygen)

- CVA with severe functional impairment (aphasia or hemiparesis)

- MS with severe functional impairment

- Renal failure with CrCl< 30 or on dialysis

- Gastrointestinal symptoms (pain, bleeding, etc) within the past 6 months

- Chronic active liver disease or cirrhosis, with albumin < 3 or elevated INR

- Advanced HIV disease (CD4 count <200)

- Severe lupus (with cerebritis or renal failure as defined above)

- Severe complications of diabetes (blindness, amputations other than toes)

- Advanced Dementia

- Psychosis

- Paranoia

- Active substance abuse

- Schizophrenia

- Psychiatric hospitalization within the past year
We found this trial at
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
Cambridge, MA
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