Impact of Cognitive Rehab and Physical Activity on Cognition in Patients With Metastatic Brain Tumors Undergoing RT
Status: | Terminated |
Conditions: | Brain Cancer |
Therapuetic Areas: | Oncology |
Healthy: | No |
Age Range: | 18 - Any |
Updated: | 7/15/2018 |
Start Date: | September 1, 2017 |
End Date: | July 9, 2018 |
Does Cognitive Rehabilitation and Physical Activity Impact Executive Functioning Following Radiation Therapy for Cerebral Metastases? A Pilot Study
To determine the feasibility of processes and instruments with an overarching purpose to
guide the design of a larger study. To determine the feasibility of individuals with
metastatic brain tumor(s) to engage in physical activity(PA) and cognitive rehabilitation
(CR) as in an outpatient therapy setting.
guide the design of a larger study. To determine the feasibility of individuals with
metastatic brain tumor(s) to engage in physical activity(PA) and cognitive rehabilitation
(CR) as in an outpatient therapy setting.
Rolling recruitment for the study. Participants will be randomized into one of three
treatment arms. All treatment arms will undergo physical & cognitive testing prior to
whole-brain radiation therapy (WBRT)/stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS). Arm 3 will receive
cognitive rehabilitation intervention sessions prior to, and concurrent with, WBRT/SRS.
Approximately 14 days following WBRT/SRS: all arms will undergo physical and cognitive
testing, and: Arm 1 will begin physical activity intervention. Arm 2 will begin physical
activity intervention and cognitive intervention. Arm 3 will continue with cognitive
intervention and begin physical activity intervention. All Arms will undergo physical and
cognitive testing approximately 2.5 months post WBRT/SRS.
treatment arms. All treatment arms will undergo physical & cognitive testing prior to
whole-brain radiation therapy (WBRT)/stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS). Arm 3 will receive
cognitive rehabilitation intervention sessions prior to, and concurrent with, WBRT/SRS.
Approximately 14 days following WBRT/SRS: all arms will undergo physical and cognitive
testing, and: Arm 1 will begin physical activity intervention. Arm 2 will begin physical
activity intervention and cognitive intervention. Arm 3 will continue with cognitive
intervention and begin physical activity intervention. All Arms will undergo physical and
cognitive testing approximately 2.5 months post WBRT/SRS.
Inclusion Criteria:
- A potential subject must meet all of the following inclusion criteria to be eligible
to participate in the study:
- Ability to understand and the willingness to provide written informed consent
- 18 years of age and older
- Diagnosed with one or more metastatic brain tumor(s)
- Medical treatment plan includes whole-brain radiation therapy and / or sterotactic
Exclusion Criteria:
- A potential subject who meets any of the following exclusion criteria is ineligible to
participate in the study.
- Diagnosis of dementia or unable to grant their own informed consent
- Prisoner or patient in custody
- Patient on psychiatric hold
- Physically unable to participate in the study
- The opinion of the treating physician determines it is not medically safe to
participate in the study
- Pre-registration screen of cognition is "severe" or lower.
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401 College Street
Richmond, Virginia 23298
Richmond, Virginia 23298
(804) 828-0450
Principal Investigator: Suzanne F. Taylor, PhD, MBA, OTR/L
Phone: 804-501-8757
Virginia Commonwealth University Massey Cancer Center Founded in 1974, VCU Massey Cancer Center is a...
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