Echocardiographic Changes During Adjuvant Therapy in Hispanic Women With Her-2 Neu Expressing Breast Cancer

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Breast Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - 90
Start Date:April 11, 2017
End Date:January 31, 2019

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This study retrospectively looks at changes in Echocardiographic parameters while using

Transtuzumab based chemo-immunotherapy is commonly administered to patients diagnosed with
early stage HER-2 expressing breast cancer, because it decreases the risk of relapse.

Transtuzumab affects cardiac function and potential benefits in decreasing cancer recurrence
have to be balanced against short and long term toxicity.

We have previously identified a high prevalence of metabolic syndrome and type II diabetes
mellitus in our patients with breast cancer. These patients may be particularly susceptible
to cardiotoxic effects of transtuzumab based therapy.

Aim of this study is to assess the changes in the cardiac function of women who are
undergoing transtuzumab based therapy for early stage breast cancer.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Stage 1,2,3 breast cancer

- Her2+

Exclusion Criteria:

- Stage 4 cancer
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