Muslim Americans Reaching for Health and Building Alliances (MARHABA): Patient Navigation Intervention to Increase Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Among Muslim Women in New York City

Conditions:Breast Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, Women's Studies
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology, Reproductive
Age Range:40 - 65
Start Date:March 1, 2017
End Date:September 28, 2018

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Studies have reported Muslims in the US and NYC face numerous language and healthcare access
barriers. This is a randomized randomized controlled design will be used to test the efficacy
of a Patient Navigation (PN) intervention to increase participation in breast and/or cervical
cancer screening among Muslim women age 40 - 75 years living in NYC. Study participants will
be randomized to an Lay Health Workers (LHW) led small media intervention arm (SM-LHW) or a
LHW-led patient navigation plus small media intervention arm (PN-LHW). A specific aim of the
study is to develop, implement and evaluate the efficacy of a two-arm, randomized control
trial designed to increase receipt of breast and/or cervical cancer screening among Muslim
women aged 40 -75 years in New York City (NYC).

The goal of this study, entitled Muslim Americans Reaching for Health and Building Alliances
(MARHABA), is to evaluate the effectiveness of a culturally patient navigation (PN)
intervention designed for Muslim women to increase breast and cervical cancer screening

Inclusion Criteria:

- self-identify as Muslim

- female

- residence in a NYC borough

- self-report as having received a mammogram more than two years ago and are age 40-74

- self-report having received a Pap test more than three years ago and are age 40-65

Exclusion Criteria:

- Report a past or current diagnosis of breast or cervical cancer

- Report having had a hysterectomy

- Report having had breast reconstructive surgery
We found this trial at
550 1st Ave
New York, New York 10016
(212) 263-7300
Principal Investigator: Nadia Islam, MD
New York University School of Medicine NYU School of Medicine has a proud history that...
New York, NY
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