Promoting Weight-Loss in African American Cancer Survivors in the Deep South

Conditions:Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:19 - Any
Start Date:May 1, 2012
End Date:March 31, 2018

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This study tests evidence-based strategies for weight loss among overweight and obesity
cancer survivors and family members in rural Alabama.

This is a 3-arm cluster randomized controlled study that compares a trained lay provided
weight loss program vs. the same program plus community-based weight management strategies
vs. general cancer prevention education on weight loss and other clinical outcomes (primary
outcomes) and healthy behaviors, and psychosocial functioning (secondary outcomes).

Inclusion Criteria:

- African American breast, colon, or prostate cancer survivor (Index Participant)

- Family member (support person) of African American breast, colon, or prostate cancer
survivor (Family Member Participant)

- Live, work, or attend school in target county

- BMI >= 25 kg/m2

Exclusion Criteria:

- Pregnant or planning to become pregnant in the next year

- Known major medical or psychological condition known to influence body weight

- Uncontrolled hypertension (BP > 160 mmHg systolic or >100 mmHg diastolic)

- medicated or poorly controlled diabetes (glucose > 126) Cardiovascular event in the
preceding 12 months

- History of gastric bypass or bariatric surgery

- History of psychiatric hospitalization in past 2 years

- History of substance abuse or eating disorder

- Any other condition by which a medical professional has suggested diet modification,
physical activity and/or weight reduction would be contraindicated
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Birmingham, Alabama 35233
(205) 934-4011 
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