Adaptation of Mindfulness Training to Treat Chronic Pain in the Military

Conditions:Chronic Pain, Chronic Pain
Therapuetic Areas:Musculoskeletal
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:April 30, 2017
End Date:June 11, 2018

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The overall aim of this study is to test the acceptability and feasibility of an interactive,
web-based mindfulness training with active duty soldiers being treated for chronic pain.

The overall aim of study is to test the acceptability and feasibility of an interactive,
web-based mindfulness training with active duty soldiers being treated for chronic pain. We
will adapt the evidence-based Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) training for use with
this population. The adapted training will be enhanced by mobile applications (apps) for
skills practice, using an existing apps platform.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Adult patients who have experienced chronic pain for at least 6 months

Exclusion Criteria:

- Do not have any of the following conditions: substance abuse or dependence, psychosis,
suicidal ideation in the last 2 months, high levels of trauma symptoms,

- plans to have a permanent change of station or deploy in the coming 6 months, or

- pregnancy
We found this trial at
2817 Reilly Road
Fort Bragg, North Carolina 28301
Phone: 910-907-6542
Fort Bragg, NC
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