Increasing Access to Colorectal Cancer Testing (IACCT) for Blacks

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Colorectal Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:50 - 75
Start Date:June 19, 2011
End Date:December 2019

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The purpose of this research study is to compare a new educational material to another widely
available educational brochure. The goal is to see if the new educational material will
change knowledge and behaviors about colorectal cancer and colorectal screening.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Community-based recruitment methods will be used including promotional flyers and word
of mouth at locations such as churches, barber shops, civic/community social service
centers, senior centers, cultural groups. The flyers will provide brief information
and advertise a telephone number for potential participants to call the study office
at Moffitt.

- Self identify as Black or African American

- Have no symptoms of colorectal cancer (CRC), or personal diagnosis of CRC or bowel
inflammatory disease or related syndromes

- Have not had recent CRC screening per guidelines (never screened or overdue)

- Participants must provide at least two forms of contact information (mailing address,
home telephone or cell phone or email address), and contact information of a secondary
individual who has a number that is different from the participant (this person may be
a relative or friend living with the respondent).

- Spouse or relatives of respondent are potentially eligible.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Individuals who have participated in a colorectal cancer screening (CRCS) research in
the past 1 year will not be eligible for this study.

- Additional criteria may apply.
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