Financial Incentives to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening in Priority Populations

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Colorectal Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:50 - 75
Start Date:March 23, 2017
End Date:June 30, 2019

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Systems of Support (SOS) to Increase Colon Cancer Screening Disparities Supplement

The investigators propose to build on the success of the Systems of Support to Increase
Colorectal Cancer trial (SOS, R01CA121125, Green) and focus on disparity groups who are less
likely to be current for colorectal cancer (CRC) screening. We will test whether financial
incentives increases screening uptake and decreases screening disparities. The investigators
hypothesize that CRC screening rates will be higher in patients offered mailed fecal kits and
financial incentives than those offered mailed fecal kits alone.

Study staff will send invitation letters and a questionnaire to 5,000 patients aged 50-75 not
current for CRC screening, two-thirds who are identified in the electronic data as being from
a non-White race, ethnicity, or who have Medicaid coverage. Those returning the survey and
remaining eligible (estimated N = 1150) will be randomized to either (1) Mailed fecal kit
only, or mailed fecal kit plus one of 2 types of financial incentives for completing testing:
(2) a guaranteed Monetary incentive or (3) a probabilistic Lottery incentive.

Inclusion Criteria:

- No evidence in electronic data of FIT screening in past year or a colonoscopy in the
prior 9 years.

- Continuously enrolled in Group Health Cooperative (GHC) for at least one year.

- Patients who have Medicaid coverage or are non-white race or Hispanic any race.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Known high risk for CRC

- History of CRC

- History of inflammatory bowel disease

- Current anticoagulation therapy

- Organ failure

- Serious illness

- Debilitating disease

- Dementia

- Nursing home resident
We found this trial at
Seattle, Washington 98101
Principal Investigator: Beverly B Green, MD, MPH
Phone: 206-287-2110
Seattle, WA
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