Manikin To Patient Intubation: Does It Translate?

Age Range:18 - 89
Start Date:October 1, 2017
End Date:July 2019
Contact:Jimmie A Birdsong, RN

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This study evaluates a new approach to the instruction of pediatric residents in the skill of
neonatal intubation. Half of the participants will receive focused simulation training and
cognitive instruction while the other half will not. The collected data from both groups will
be compared.

Current findings suggest that the training of pediatric residents is not sufficient prior to
"live" tracheal intubations in the critical care setting. The current one to two days of
airway management training as a part of resuscitation training (such as Pediatric Advanced
Life Support (PALS) or Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) is not sufficient to provide safe
intubation skills.

This study will develop and implement tracheal intubation training using concepts of
deliberate practice modeled after Ericsson. The concepts include focused training on a
specific task, immediate feedback, time for problem solving and evaluation, and opportunities
for repeated performance using a manikin. This proposal is an attempt to develop such a
training model. Video recordings of live intubations will be reviewed and evaluated. The data
between the two groups will be compared to see if there is improved intubation skills of live

Inclusion Criteria:

- Male and female residents from 18-89 years of age who have been assigned to the
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for a monthly rotation are eligible to
participate. At the beginning of all NICU rotations, all pediatric residents will be
invited to participate in this research.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Any pediatric resident who does not wish to participate
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