Walking for Recovery From Surgery in Improving Quality of Life in Older Adults With Lung or Gastrointestinal Cancer and Their Family Caregivers

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Lung Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Liver Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:21 - Any
Start Date:November 9, 2017
End Date:November 2019

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Walking for Recovery From Surgery: Pilot Study of a Prehabilitation Intervention for Older Adults With Cancer and Their Family Caregivers

This pilot clinical trial studies how well Walking for Recovery from Surgery works in
improving quality of life in older adults with lung or gastrointestinal cancer and their
family caregivers. A walking program, such as Walking for Recovery from Surgery may help
support overall well-being as a caregiver, and may help improve family member or friend's
recovery from surgery.


I. To examine whether the intervention and telehealth approach would be feasible and


I. To examine patient outcome patterns suggesting the potential efficacy of the intervention
on self-efficacy, functional status (daily steps, 6-minute walk time, timed up and go),
psychological distress, symptoms, and global health status.


Patients and caregivers receive Walking for Recovery from Surgery prehabilitation
intervention in 4 sessions 3-7 days before surgery, before discharge, and at 2 and 7 days

After completion of study, patients and caregivers are followed up for 2 months.


- PATIENT: Diagnosis of lung or GI (colorectal, pancreas, liver) cancers

- PATIENT: Scheduled to undergo surgery

- PATIENT: >= 65 years

- PATIENT: Able to read and understand English

- CAREGIVER: Family member/friend identified by the patient as the primary caregiver
before and after surgery

- CAREGIVER: >= 21 years

- CAREGIVER: Able to read and understand English

- This study will be conducted in patients and family caregivers who are scheduled to
undergo lung or GI cancer surgery treatment

- There are no restrictions related to performance status or life expectancy

- All subjects must have the ability to understand and the willingness to sign a written
informed consent


• Subjects, who in the opinion of the investigator, may not be able to comply with the
safety monitoring requirements of the study
We found this trial at
Duarte, California 91010
Principal Investigator: Virginia Sun, RN, PhD
Phone: 626-256-4673
Duarte, CA
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