Video-based Family Therapy for Peripartum Depression in Home Visited Mothers

Conditions:Depression, Depression
Therapuetic Areas:Psychiatry / Psychology
Age Range:13 - 25
Start Date:May 26, 2017
End Date:June 13, 2018

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Integrated Video-based Family Therapy for Peripartum Depression in Home Visited Mothers: A Pilot Study

This pilot study will explore the feasibility and acceptability of implementing a
family-based treatment, using HIPAA-compliant video-based communication technology, for
adolescents (pregnant and post-delivery) with peripartum depressive symptoms within the
context of home visiting.

The purpose of the pilot study is to partner with two Federal Maternal, Infant and Early
Childhood Home Visiting (HV) Program sites to implement a family-based treatment for
depression, using HIPAA-compliant video-based communication technology, in adolescent mothers
(pregnant and post-delivery). This implementation-effectiveness hybrid trial includes
depressed adolescent mothers and their adult family members.

It has three aims:

1. Explore the feasibility of integrating the treatment model into two Federal HV Program
sites in New Hampshire.

2. Test the acceptability of the treatment model among depressed adolescent mothers and
their families.

3. Explore preliminary impacts of the treatment on maternal depressive symptoms and
parenting attitudes, family emotion regulation, and family functioning at two months

Home Visitor Inclusion Criteria:

1. Willingness to participate in the study;

2. Intention to remain in current job for at least 12 months; and

3. Fluency in English: The training, treatment model, implementation meetings, and
supervision sessions will be carried out in English.

Family Inclusion Criteria:

1. Adolescent mothers, ages 13-25, in the first trimester of pregnancy through eighteen
months postpartum;

2. Adolescent mothers with Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale scores of ≥8;

3. At least one of the adolescent mother's family members ("family member" is defined as
a person she is biologically related to, or significant close others/partners with
whom she is not biologically related) must be willing and available to participate in
eight of the 10 video-based family therapy sessions;

4. Fluency in English: The treatment will be carried out in English; and

5. Consistent internet access (i.e., subscribe to an internet service provider and do not
experience weekly disruptions in service) on a cell phone, tablet, or computer
equipped with a camera and microphone.

Family Exclusion Criteria:

Adolescent mothers with

1. A current positive screen for problem alcohol use on the CAGE or TWEAK;

2. A current positive screen on the drug abuse items on the home visiting interview;

3. A current positive screen for domestic violence on the Relationship Assessment Tool;

4. Current hallucinations and/or delusions;

5. Current homicidal ideation;

6. Current suicidal ideation;

7. Current severe major depressive episode as measured by the SCID-V Depression Module
for those over age 18, or NIMH DISC-Y & DISC-P Mood Module for those under age 18;

8. Current self-injurious behavior (e.g., cutting arms on a weekly basis). Families with

9. Current Child Protection Service involvement;

10. Current family therapy service involvement; and/or

11. Current or previous Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) treatment.
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