Clinical Comparison of Length of Cataract Procedures With Zeiss Lumera Versus Older Zeiss Microscope

Therapuetic Areas:Ophthalmology
Age Range:18 - 100
Start Date:March 1, 2017
End Date:September 20, 2017

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Zeiss Lumera Microscope With Callisto Software

Study design will be a mix of retrospective (older Zeiss microscope previously in use at our
surgery center) and prospective data collection with the Lumera and Callisto software.

The Lumera and Callisto software system will be used for all cataract surgeries including
toric analyses and lens placement.

Needs Assessment

Research on this topic is needed as over 3 million cataract surgeries are performed in the
United States each year. The number of surgeries performed is growing as baby boomers age.
Reimbursements continue to decline, necessitating ever improving operating and surgical
efficiencies in the operating room setting for physicians and small business owners to remain
financially viable. New governmental regulations dictate that physician payments will be
related to patient satisfaction and outcomes which may be better provided by newer and better
surgical technologies.

The Lumera operating microscope and Callisto software system provide several features that
may enhance operating room flow including HD video screen and co-observant microscopes that
can be independently adjusted to help operating room staff anticipate the needs of the
surgeon. Enhanced retroillumination would be expected to translate into fewer complications
and more confidence during surgery which could lead to less operating time, phaco energy used
and improved visual outcomes. The toric alignment assistance device may lead to more accurate
toric placement and improved visual outcomes after surgery.

Target audience would include all cataract surgeons both high and lower volume.

There is currently a dearth of published literature on this technology and its benefits in
routine cataract surgery. There are no registered similar trials on

Inclusion Criteria:

- Visually significant cataract

Exclusion Criteria:

- Not visually significant cataract
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