The Efficacy of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) on the Golf Swing

Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:August 17, 2017
End Date:May 2019
Contact:Deborah A Finstad, BS

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The Efficacy of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) on the Swing Via Objective Data From Golf Simulator Swing Analysis and Subjective Data

The purpose of the study is to investigate if osteopathic manipulative treatment (OTM)
improves the golf swing of the participants. Study participants will be randomized into three
groups, we will stratify by age and gender to make them as uniform as possible. One group
will receive no intervention other than a 10-minute break between the pre and post
measurements. A second group will receive a sham intervention where the doctor will pretend
to give the participant OTM. The third group will receive real OTM.

Participants will perform a sample of 10 golf swings pre and post intervention which will be
measured by a golf simulator. They will also complete a brief health history and pre/post
self-evaluation of their swing.

Inclusion Criteria: Adult golfers (18 years old or over) -

Exclusion Criteria: Anyone under 18 years, people that do not golf.
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Mankato, Minnesota 56001
Phone: 612-624-2353
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