Social Worker in an Eye-Care Service

Therapuetic Areas:Ophthalmology
Age Range:Any
Start Date:January 2016
End Date:August 2017

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The Impact of a Social Worker in a Glaucoma Eye-Care Service: A Prospective Study

The purpose of this research study is to determine whether involvement with a social worker
helps reduce distress, depression, and increase patient activation in participants over a 6
month intervention period. The study will also describe common barriers to care that
participants face.

An appointment will be scheduled for participant to meet with a social worker. The
appointment may happen on day of participant's scheduled clinic appointment or on another
mutually decided upon date and time. Should participant choose to participate, this first
visit will be Visit 1 for the study.

Visit 1: Baseline

Informed consent will be obtained demonstrating an interest in participating.

A visit with the social worker will take place during Visit 1. This session will be held in a
private office and allows participant time for discussion regarding any challenges, struggles
and/or barriers they may be experiencing.

The following baseline questionnaires/surveys will be administered:

Modified Patient Activation Measure - measures participant confidence in taking care of their
own health.

Distress Thermometer - measures participant distress level during the past week.

Patient Health Questionnaire -measures depression symptoms and severity if any.

Clinical information will be taken from participant's medical record. There may be follow-up
questions related to data if information is unclear or incomplete.

Upon completion of Visit 1, participant will receive a satisfaction survey to evaluate how
participant satisfaction with social worker interaction.

Social Worker Interventions: After Visit 1 and before Visit 2

The social worker will develop an intervention for participant during Visit 1 appointment. As
many calls or in person meetings participant requires will take place. There will be no limit
and it will be determined by participant's needs.

Visit 2: Follow-up After 6 Months

Upon completion of participant's six month follow-up in the study, the following
questionnaires/surveys will be administered:

Modified Patient Activation Measure - measures how confident participant is at taking care of
their own health.

Distress Thermometer - measures how much distress participant has been experiencing in the
past week.

Patient Health Questionnaire - measures if participant has symptoms of depression and the
severity of those symptoms.

Satisfaction Survey - measures how satisfied participant is with the social worker

Inclusion Criteria:

- Patients seen at Wills Eye Hospital in the Glaucoma Service

- Glaucoma of any type, characterized by glaucomatous optic neuropathy and corresponding
visual field (VF) defect

- Referred to staff social worker for intervention

- Ability to read, write, speak and understand English

Exclusion Criteria:
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