Triple Therapy - PDT Plus IVD and Intravitreal Ranibizumab Versus Lucentis Monotherapy to Treat Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Therapuetic Areas:Ophthalmology
Age Range:50 - Any
Start Date:August 2006
End Date:December 2009

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A Prospective Masked Pilot Study Comparing Group 1 Triple Therapy - PDT Plus IVD and Intravitreal Ranibizumab Versus Group 2 Monotherapy - Intravitreal Ranibizumab Alone.

The purpose of this study is to compare triple therapy using Photodynamic therapy,
intravitreal Dexamethasone and intravitreal Ranibizumab injections versus monotherapy with
intravitreal Ranibizumab alone for the treatment of Age-Related Macular Degeneration.

This is a twelve month Phase II prospective masked study comparing Group 1 triple therapy:
Same day combination therapy with PDT, 500 microgram dose (0.05cc) intravitreal dexamethasone
injection (10mg/ml vial), and a single 0.5 mg intravitreal Ranibizumab injection. This will
be compared to Group 2 monotherapy: one intravitreal injection of 0.5 mg Lucentis given every
four weeks on a set dosing schedule. Sixty consecutive patients will be enrolled into this
clinical trial utilizing the current standard of care guidelines as used at Bay Area Retina
Associates. Angiography, fundus photography will be performed at the initial visit and
quarterly follow-up visits. Only OCT testing will be performed at all other follow-up visits.
Both groups will be re-evaluated for safety at 12 and 24 months.

Group 1 Following the initial treatment, all future re-treatments with Lucentis will be
determined on a PRN basis. The decision will be based on clinical examination and imaging
evidence of lesion activity. Any evidence of subretinal fluid or cystoid edema on OCT or
clinical examination, or evidence of leakage on angiogram will result in re-treatment. If
after three consecutive Ranibizumab injections in Group 1, there is any evidence of lesion
recurrence or growth of the neovascular membrane associated with visual decline or persistent
subretinal fluid, the patient will be treated with repeat PDT/IVD/Lucentis The decision to
retreat Group 1 with ranibizumab at each monthly follow-up visit will be dependent on
clinical exam, OCT measurements or angiographic findings as documented below.

Group 2 Subjects will receive one intravitreal injection of 0.5 mg Lucentis every four weeks
until week 48 or as indicated on the FDA approval label.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Best Corrected Visual Acuity using ETDRS Charts between 20/32 and 20/400 (Snellen
Equivalent) in the study eye with evidence of neovascular ARMD.

(Only one eye will be eligible for study. If both eyes are eligible, the one with the
better visual acuity will be selected for treatment unless, based on medical reasons, the
investigator deems the other eye to be more appropriate for treatment and study.)

- All lesion subtypes will be enrolled with the following criteria

- Predominantly classic:

- Classic lesion greater than 50% of the total lesion area

- Lesion must be less than 12 disc areas

- Minimally classic or occult:

- CNVM must be greater than or equal to 50% of the total lesion size.

- There must be some evidence of recent disease progression (heme, vision loss, recent
lesion growth on FA)

- Lesion size must be less than 12 disc areas.

- Occult:

- Lesions must show recent activity progression with respect to vision, subretinal
hemorrhage or subretinal fluid

- Less than 12 disc areas in total size

- Signed informed consent

- Age greater than or equal to 50 years

Exclusion Criteria:

- Pigment epithelial detachment greater than 50% of the total lesion size

- Previous treatment for ARMD in the study eye

- Previous intravitreal drug delivery in the study eye

- History of vitrectomy in the study eye

- Fibrosis or atrophy involving the center of the fovea in the study eye

- Neovascular membrane from any other concurrent retinal disease such as high myopia
(SER > -8D), histoplasmosis or other ocular inflammatory disease.

- Known history of glaucoma and on more than one topical medication

- History of glaucoma filtering surgery in the study eye

- History of corneal transplant in the study eye

- Patients with co-existing macular disease such as diabetic macular edema

- Active intraocular inflammation in the study eye

- History of allergy to fluorescein not amenable to treatment

- Inability to comply with study or follow up procedures
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