How Similar Are Changes to the Surface of the Eye When Two Different Glaucoma Eye Drops Are Used?

Therapuetic Areas:Ophthalmology
Age Range:21 - Any
Start Date:November 2008
End Date:February 2011

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Ocular Surface Changes With Topical Prostaglandin Analog Therapy

To determine whether one glaucoma eye drop is less likely to cause changes to the surface of
the eye (conjunctiva) than another. The two different prostaglandins are Xalatan and Travatan

Two groups will be entered into this study: group 1 will be naive to treatment and group 2
will be using Xalatan for at least one month before enrollment. Both groups will be using one
drop at bedtime of Xalatan in the right eye and one drop at bedtime of Travatan Z in the left
eye. Both of these drops are presently on the market and approved by the FDA for treatment of
lowering eye pressure. Because this study will be masked, the examining clinician will not
know what study drop each patient has been using.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Age 21 or older

- Able to understand protocol and agree to 3 visits

- Any type of glaucoma

- Selective laser trabeculoplasty, Argon laser trabeculoplasty, peripheral iridotomy

- Naïve: No prior glaucoma treatment (medical or surgical)

- If patient non-compliant, must be off meds 3 months

- Xalatan: At least one month use

Exclusion Criteria:

- Both Groups: Any history of ocular surface disease

- Dry eye syndrome or prior Restasis use

- Prior ocular surgery other than cataract extractions

- Uveitis or other inflammatory disease of the eye or adnexa

- Systemic medications that might influence ocular inflammation

- Any active inflammation or infection

- Pregnancy or intention to become pregnant

- Naïve: Prior use of topical glaucoma medication unless off for 3 months.

- Use of preserved artificial tear preparations in last 30 days and more than one year
history of chronic use

- Xalatan: Prior use of Travatan or Travatan Z
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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Philadelphia, PA
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