Minimization of Surgical Site Infections for Pts Undergoing Colorectal Surgery

Conditions:Colorectal Cancer, Infectious Disease, Hospital
Therapuetic Areas:Immunology / Infectious Diseases, Oncology, Other
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:April 2007
End Date:February 2010

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This is a comparison, at this VA Hospital, of standard operating room management in
colorectal surgery to a more rigid management using an additional five previously tested
treatments to determine if this changes the rate of post operative wound infections.

A comparison between standard operating room:

1. use of pre-op bowel prep (Golytely or Phosphosoda,plus 3 doses of oral
antibiotics(Erythromycin and Neomycin), and fleets enema the day before surgery

2. Standard anesthesia FiO2 (approx. 30-50%)during surgery

3. Standard IV fluids during surgery(greater than 200cc per hour)

4. Standard post-op O2 by mask for 2 hours

To extended operating room procedures of:

1. No po antibiotics or pre-op bowel prep other than enema prior to surgery

2. Skin warming at least 15 minutes prior to and during surgery(core temp 36C+)

3. IOBAN drapes and Plastic wound protectors used during surgery

4. Restricted IV fluids less than 200cc per hour during surgery

5. Increased FiO2 to 80% during surgery and 2 hours after by mask

Monitoring for post-op wound infections at discharge and up to 30days post-op

Inclusion Criteria:

- Scheduled VA adult elective colorectal surgery patient

Exclusion Criteria:

- Non VA adults, emergent colorectal surgery, scheduled multiple surgery procedures,pts
with other infections being treated
We found this trial at
Dallas, Texas 75216
Dallas, TX
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