Mobile Diabetes Management

Therapuetic Areas:Endocrinology
Age Range:18 - 64
Start Date:June 2008
End Date:September 2011

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The Mobile Diabetes Intervention Study trial is evaluating a diabetes coaching system, using
mobile phones and patient/ physician internet portals to allow patient-specific treatment and
communication by their primary care physician. We hypothesize that timely information
provided to patients and their physicians can result in reduction of A1c over 1 year.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Type 2 diabetic [patient]

- A1c equal to or greater than 7.5 [patient]

- 18-64 years of age at time of recruitment [patient]

- Access to the internet (does not need to be at their home, elsewhere is fine e.g.
work) [patient]

- E-mail account [patient]

- Must speak English [patient]

Exclusion Criteria:

- No insulin pump [patient]

- No current alcohol or drug abuse- must be sober 1 year [patient]

- Not currently pregnant [patient]

- No terminal diagnosis [patient]

- No dementia or Alzheimer's [patient]

- No active chemotherapy [patient]

- No significant hearing impairment [patient]

- Poorly corrected vision that would impede use of phone [patient]

- No mute or aphasia [patient]

- No diagnosis of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major psychosis [patient]

- No Medicaid or Medicare

- No uninsured
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Baltimore, Maryland 21201
(410) 706-7101
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