An RCT Evaluation of a Diabetes Dashboard Team Model in Primary Care

Therapuetic Areas:Endocrinology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:July 2009
End Date:July 2013

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Case Management for Underserved Hispanic Type 2 Diabetes Populations

To compare a comprehensive diabetes team care condition (IC) involving the diabetes team's
use of a "diabetes dashboard" with a usual diabetes team care condition (UDC) that does not
have access to the diabetes dashboard.

To compare a usual diabetes care condition (UDC) to a comprehensive diabetes care
intervention condition (IC) involving a "diabetes dashboard" clinical decision support tool
used by the diabetes team in primary care. The investigators used a parallel-groups
randomized design. The diabetes team (i.e., diabetes nurses, diabetes dietitians, and
providers) delivered a 5-visit, 6-month intervention to n=199 poorly-controlled (HbA1c >7.5%)
Latino T2D patients (mean age=55 years, 60% female) seen at 2 urban community health centers.
This intervention was compared to an established, in-house diabetes team care program (n=200)
for its impact on blood glucose control and key psychosocial outcomes (diabetes distress,
depression, social distress).

Inclusion Criteria:

- age 18 years or older,

- self-identified Hispanic ethnicity,

- diagnosis of T2D,

- HbA1c >7.5%, and

- provider approval given for patient participation

Exclusion Criteria:

- inability to consent,

- pregnant or planning to become pregnant in the next year,

- taking glucocorticoid therapy, or

- having serious psychiatric or medical complications (e.g., late stage diabetes
complications, seizures, dementia, psychiatric hospitalization) that would prevent
participation in study activities.
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