Online Peer Networked Collaborative Learning for Managing Depressive Symptoms

Conditions:Depression, Depression
Therapuetic Areas:Psychiatry / Psychology
Age Range:65 - Any
Start Date:December 2015
End Date:September 2016

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Technology Assisted Intervention for the Treatment and Prevention of Depression

The goal of this field trial is to tailor and test a web-based intervention in adults 65
years of age or older. Two versions of the web-based intervention have been created and will
be tested--one with an online social network and one without an online social network. The
purpose of this study is to: pilot a novel intervention, examine methods to improve adherence
to web-based interventions (e.g., peer network); collect data on feasibility, acceptability,
and efficacy of an web-based intervention for late life depression; and ultimately, to
overcome the numerous barriers to treating depression in later life.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Has elevated depressive symptoms

- Has a telephone, e-mail account, computer, and broadband access to the Internet.

- Has basic internet skills and is able to access the internet independently

- Is able to speak and read English.

- Is at least 65 years of age.

- Is able to give informed consent.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Has hearing or voice impairment that would prevent participation in psychotherapy

- Has visual impairment that would prevent completion of assessment materials.

- Is diagnosed with a psychotic disorder, bipolar disorder, dissociative disorder,
current substance abuse, or other diagnosis for which participation in a clinical
trial of psychotherapy may be either inappropriate or dangerous.

- Is currently receiving individual psychotherapy or planning to receive psychotherapy
during the 8-week treatment phase of the study

- Is planning to be out of town or unavailable for an extended period of time during the
study without access to the Internet

- Exhibits severe suicidality, including ideation, plan, and intent.

- Has initiated treatment with an antidepressant in past 14 days. Once patients have
been on a stable dose for 14 days and do not have an appointment with a physician or
psychiatrist to change this dose, the patient will be eligible based on this
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Chicago, Illinois 60611
Chicago, IL
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