Hepatitis C Testing in VA Community-Based Outpatient Clinics

Conditions:Hepatitis, Hepatitis
Therapuetic Areas:Immunology / Infectious Diseases
Age Range:Any
Start Date:October 2015
End Date:September 2016

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Hepatitis C Testing in VA Community-Based Outpatient Clinics (QUE 15-284)

The VISN1 VA Hepatitis C Testing and Linkage to Care Quality Improvement project aims to
increase the proportion of Veterans tested for HCV in those born between 1945-1965 and in
vulnerable, high-risk groups.

The VISN1 VA Hepatitis C Testing and Linkage to Care Quality Improvement project aims to: (1)
increase the proportion of Veterans tested for HCV in those born between 1945-1965 and in
vulnerable, high-risk groups, (2) Increase linkage to specialized HCV care among VISN 1 VA
Veterans diagnosed with HCV infection, and (3) Evaluate whether race, ethnicity, gender, or
other markers of social disparity influence completion of HCV testing and linkage to
specialty care, and whether disparities are reduced by the planned VISN 1 VA HCV Quality
Improvement (QI) program. The central focus is to reduce delays in diagnosis and linkage to
treatment evaluation, management of comorbidities and contraindications, and subsequent

Inclusion Criteria:

- Veterans

- Born in the period of 1945-1965 ("birth cohort")

- With an outpatient visit in primary care at a VISN1 facility in FY 2016

Exclusion Criteria:
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Bedford, MA
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