To Examine Smoking Behavior of Prisoners - 1

Conditions:Smoking Cessation
Therapuetic Areas:Pulmonary / Respiratory Diseases
Age Range:18 - 100
Start Date:September 2002
End Date:March 2008

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Smoking Research With Incarcerated Females

The purpose of this study is to understand the smoking behavior of female incarcerated
smokers and to determine how smokers differ from non-smokers on measures of substance abuse,
personality, criminal history, and mental illness

Inclusion Criteria:

- all smokers, non-smokers, and ex-smokers

Exclusion Criteria:

- inability to understand English and inability to be able to provide informed consent
due to mental impairment
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Richmond, Virginia 23298
(804) 828-0100
Virginia Commonwealth University Since our founding as a medical school in 1838, Virginia Commonwealth University...
Richmond, VA
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