High Physical Activity During a Weight Loss Intervention for Breast Cancer Survivors and High Risk Women

Conditions:Breast Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:50 - 70
Start Date:September 25, 2017
End Date:July 24, 2018

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High Energy Expenditure From Physical Activity During a Weight Loss Intervention for Breast Cancer Survivors and High Risk Women

The purpose of this second pilot study is to extend the feasibility demonstrated in
NCT02963740 that the intervention achieves high levels of moderate to vigorous physical
activity (MVI PA) and modulates risk biomarkers for breast cancer and cardiovascular disease
in older, obese sedentary breast cancer survivors who are undergoing moderate calorie

All subjects participate in same intervention. Intervention consists of a 6-month structured
weight loss program utilizing portion controlled meals and a prescribed level of graduated
physical activity with an eventual goal of 200 minutes or more per week. The program will
include twice weekly sessions with a trainer at a local YMCA, and weekly phone group sessions
the first 3 months with transition to unsupervised exercise and less frequent group phone
sessions the second 3 months.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Diagnosis of breast cancer having completed any cytotoxic chemotherapy, radiation or
surgery at least 3 months prior to study entry (Cohort A2) OR No prior diagnosis of
breast cancer but at high risk for development of breast cancer and participating in
HSC 4601 (Cohort B)

- Body Mass Index (BMI) >30 kg/m2. Women with a BMI > 45 kg/m2 must be age < 60 and
ability to perform physical activity must be confirmed

- By self-assessment, currently performing 60 minutes or less of purposeful exercise per
week but able to walk at least 30 minutes on a level surface

- Possession of smart phone capable of running MyFitnessPal and Garmin Connect apps and
willing to have diet and exercise data accessed by study personnel

- Access to a personal computer

- Live in the greater Kansas City Metropolitan Area

- Willing and able to perform moderate intensity exercise at least 5 days per week for 6
months. This consists of a supervised exercise intervention at one of the 15 YMCAs
affiliated with our program for 2 days per week. Must be willing to perform
unsupervised home exercise for the entire 6 months.

- Willing to participate in a weekly behavioral modification group phone call for first
3 months and every 2 weeks for the second 3 months

- Willing to participate in a controlled dietary intervention with portion controlled
meals and partial meal replacements plus 35 servings of fruits and vegetables/week for
6 months and track food intake and exercise

- Blood tests (Cohort A2) must have been performed after completion of any breast cancer
surgery, radiation therapy, or cytotoxic chemotherapy, with reasonably normal liver
and renal function as well as a hemoglobin of 10 or higher and/or performed within a
year of study entry

Exclusion Criteria:

- Use of metformin, insulin, steroids or prescription weight loss or anti-psychotic
drugs within the prior 3 weeks

- Individuals with prior gastric bypass surgery or procedure that would impair
absorption of nutrients

- Need for chronic immunosuppressive drugs

- Participation within the past 6 months on a structured weight loss program such as
Weight Watchers®

- Physical impairments (bad hip, knees, feet, peripheral neuropathy) that would prohibit
performing moderate intensity exercise at least 5 days per week.

- Any other condition or intercurrent illness that in the opinion of the investigator
makes the subject a poor candidate for participation in the trial such as recent
cardiac event

- Currently receiving investigational agents in a clinical trial
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