Telephone Counseling and the Distribution of Nicotine Patches to Smokers

Conditions:Smoking Cessation
Therapuetic Areas:Pulmonary / Respiratory Diseases
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:February 2009
End Date:December 2011

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The Efficacy of Telephone Counseling and the Centralized Distribution of Nicotine Replacement Therapy Through a Smoking Cessation Quitline

The primary purpose of this study is to determine the effects of distributing free nicotine
replacement therapy (NRT) to tobacco quitline callers directly. Specifically, this study aims

1. Test if sending active nicotine patches directly will lead to a higher quit rate,
compared to a condition where the quitline assists the smokers to obtain patches by
other means (e.g. via their health plans).

2. Test if sending placebo patches directly will also lead to a higher quit rate.

3. Test if quitline counseling increases the quit rate when the smokers already receive the
nicotine patches.

Studies have shown that statewide tobacco quitlines can dramatically increase call volume by
offering direct mailings of free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products. Sending free
NRT such as patches to quitline callers, however, often requires a large budget because
quitlines have a large number of smokers calling for help each year. A strong rationale is
needed for state funding agencies to pay for the patches, which are generally considered the
responsibility of health plans. This study will contrast the condition of sending nicotine
patches directly from the quitline with a condition where the quitline assists smokers to
obtain patches by other means, primarily through their health plans. The study aims to
demonstrate that sending patches immediately after smokers call the quitline has a
motivational effect that will lead to a higher quit rate than if smokers have to obtain the
patches themselves, even if they are able to obtain them for free. To tease apart how much of
the effect of sending patches directly from the quitline is due to the active ingredient in
the patches and how much is due to motivational effects, this study adds a placebo condition.
We hypothesize that the active patches condition will outperform the placebo condition, and
the sending of placebo patches will outperform the condition in which the smokers obtain the
nicotine patches themselves. We also hypothesize that counseling has its own effect on
quitting above and beyond that of the nicotine patches. This study will supply data that can
be used to decide what role nicotine replacement therapy should play in publicly funded
tobacco cessation programs. Results will also add to the theoretical understanding of
behavior change from which new, effective interventions can spring.

Inclusion Criteria:

- >= 18 years old

- Daily smoker

- >=6 cigarettes per day

- Ready to quit within one month

- First time quitline caller

- Valid phone number

- Valid address (no P.O. boxes)

- California resident

- Agree to participate in study and evaluation

- English or Spanish speaking

Exclusion Criteria:

- Uses other form of tobacco

- Use of Zyban or Chantix

- One of the following conditions: Severe allergy to adhesive tape, Arrhythmia, Angina,
Heart attack within last year, Stroke within last year, Uncontrolled high blood
pressure, Insulin-dependent diabetes, Pregnancy
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