A Study to Examine the Effects of Esomeprazole on the Pharmacokinetics of Orally Administered Lapatinib in Subjects With Metastatic ErbB2 Positive Breast Cancer
Status: | Completed |
Conditions: | Breast Cancer |
Therapuetic Areas: | Oncology |
Healthy: | No |
Age Range: | 18 - 65 |
Updated: | 11/16/2017 |
Start Date: | March 10, 2009 |
End Date: | November 24, 2009 |
An Open-Label, Two-Part, Single Sequence Study to Examine the Effects of Esomeprazole on the Pharmacokinetics of Orally Administered Lapatinib in Subjects With Metastatic ErbB2
This study will characterize the effect of elevated gastric pH mediated by the proton-pump
inhibitor, esomeprazole, on the relative bioavailability of lapatinib in subjects with
metastatic ErbB2 positive breast cancer.
inhibitor, esomeprazole, on the relative bioavailability of lapatinib in subjects with
metastatic ErbB2 positive breast cancer.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Metastatic, histologically confirmed breast cancer that overexpresses ErbB2 (3+ by
IHC, FISH, or CISH positive).
- 18 years to 65 years of age.
- Is male or female (of non childbearing potential or willing to use contraception as
specified in the protocol).
- Is able to swallow and retain oral medication.
- ECOG performance status 0 to 2.
- Provided written informed consent.
- Adequate bone marrow function (as specified in the protocol).
- Calculated creatinine clearance (CrCl) greater than or equal to 50 ml/min based on
Cockcroft and Gault.
- Total bilirubin less than or equal to 1.5 X upper limit of normal of institutional
- Alanine transaminase (ALT) less than or equal to 3 times the upper limit of the
institutional values or less than or equal to 5 times ULN with documented liver
- Has a left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) within the normal institutional range
based on ECHO or MUGA.
- Life expectancy of greater than or equal to 12 weeks
- Capable of giving written informed consent, which includes compliance with the
requirements and restrictions listed in the consent form.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Pregnant or lactating woman.
- Has malabsorption syndrome, a disease affecting gastrointestinal function, or
resection of the stomach or small bowel.
- Has current active hepatic or biliary disease (with exception of patients with
Gilbert's syndrome, asymptomatic gallstones, liver metastases or stable chronic liver
disease per investigator assessment)
- Has evidence of symptomatic or uncontrolled brain metastases or leptomeningeal
disease. Subjects with brain metastases treated by surgery and/or radiotherapy are
eligible if neurologically stable and do not require steroids or anticonvulsants.
- Is considered medically unfit for the study by the investigator.
- Has a known immediate or delayed benzimidazole hypersensitivity reaction or
idiosyncrasy to drugs chemically related to the investigational product such as
gefitinib [Iressa] and erlotinib [Tarceva].
- Has received treatment with any investigational drug in the previous four weeks. (with
the exception of lapatinib).
- Has received chemotherapy, immunotherapy, biologic therapy or hormonal therapy for the
treatment of cancer within the past 14 days, with the exception of mitomycin C which
is restricted for the past six weeks, and lapatinib. Subjects receiving lapatinib
prior to study entry are eligible to participate in the study.
- Is receiving any prohibited medication within the timeframe indicated on the
prohibited medication list in the protocol.
- Has physiological, familial, sociological, or geographical conditions that do not
permit compliance with the protocol.
- Has inadequate venous access for protocol-related blood draws.
- Clinically significant electrocardiogram abnormality.
- History of sensitivity to heparin or heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.
- Consumption of red wine, seville oranges, grapefruit or grapefruit juice and/or
kumquats, pummelos, exotic citrus fruit (i.e. star fruit, bitter melon), grapefruit
hybrids or fruit juices from seven days prior to the first dose of study medication.
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