Race-Specific Propofol Titration to Effect for Procedural Sedation

Age Range:18 - 80
Start Date:January 5, 2018
End Date:December 2019
Contact:Judith M. Wishin, BSN

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Pragmatic Clinical Trial of Race-Specific Response to Propofol Infusion Titrated to Effect for Procedural Sedation During Endoscopy

Prospectively evaluate newly established guidelines and make clinicians aware of inter-racial
difference in propofol sensitivity.

The primary motivation in conducting this study is to conduct the implementation science,
i.e., formalize and train, and retrain if needed, anesthesia providers in the standard
practice of titrating infusion rate to effect and clinically evaluate the effect of race and
ethnicity on propofol monotherapy sedation during GI endoscopy. The ultimate goal is to make
it less likely that patients from races known to be sensitive to propofol experience
inadvertent overdosing.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Patients undergoing propofol sedation at Gainesville (GNV) and Jacksonville (JAX) GI
Endoscopy suites

- Age range 18 - 80 years old

- Patients whose race can be identified from the electronic patient information chart

Exclusion Criteria:

- Patients who identify as multiracial in Epic

- Patients who identify as Other in Epic

- Patients who refuse to indicate their race in Epic

- Patients whose race is listed as unknown in Epic
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