Optimizing Decision Making About Breast Reconstruction After Mastectomy: A Patient-Centered Approach

Conditions:Breast Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:January 9, 2018
End Date:October 24, 2018

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Although clinical decision tools (CDTs) exist for a variety of treatments, CDTs designed to
support personalized breast reconstruction decisions, particularly about type and timing of
reconstruction, are lacking. The objective of this proposal is to develop and pilot test a
clinical decision tool that provides personalized risk information and reflects patients'
preferences and clinical needs.

- Newly diagnosed breast cancer (not a recurrence)

- Considering a referral or already referred to a plastic surgeon by their surgical
oncologist for possible reconstruction

- Considering or completing a mastectomy.

- Does not have metastatic disease.

- Female.

- English-speaking.

- At least 18 years of age.

- Able to understand and willing to sign an IRB-approved written informed consent
We found this trial at
660 S Euclid Ave
Saint Louis, Missouri 63110
(314) 362-5000
Principal Investigator: Terence M Myckatyn, M.D.
Phone: 314-996-3255
Washington University School of Medicine Washington University Physicians is the clinical practice of the School...
Saint Louis, MO
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