Medications Effect on Lenstar Measurements

Therapuetic Areas:Ophthalmology
Age Range:50 - Any
Start Date:September 18, 2015
End Date:July 24, 2018

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The Effects of Dilation Medication on Lenstar Measurements for Cataract Surgery

Prior to cataract surgery the lens must be calculated to appropriately fit a patient for the
intraocular lens implant. Lenstar is an optical biometer that calculates the axial length,
keratometry, lens thickness, pupillometry, and anterior chamber depth. Dilation drops are
routinely used in eye exams in addition to pre-cataract surgery. The dilation drops include
Tropicamide 1%, and Phenylephrine 2.5%. The Tropicamide achieves the dilation of the pupil
which causes an anterior rotation of the ciliary body, which may affect the Lenstar
measurements. This study is to determine if dilating medications affect the lens power
prediction for emmetropia by the Lenstar biometer. Prior to dilation, Lenstar biometry will
be performed on each eye. Patients will receive dilation medication and after waiting 20
minutes Lenstar biometry will be performed on each eye. Dilation and measurement with Lenstar
will be done as standard of care. Measurements and calculations from before and after will be

Inclusion Criteria:

- Candidates for cataract surgery undergoing routine evaluation of cataracts.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Patients that have had their cataracts removed

- Patients that cannot undergo routine evaluation for cataract surgery (because they are
too ill to sit upright in a chair)
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550 1st Ave
New York, New York 10016
(212) 263-7300
Principal Investigator: Ann Ostrovsky, MD
New York University Langone Medical Center NYU NYU Langone Medical Center, a world-class, patient-centered, integrated,...
New York, NY
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