Attention Control Training for PTSD Related to Combat or Interpersonal Violence

Therapuetic Areas:Psychiatry / Psychology
Age Range:19 - 80
Start Date:November 17, 2017
End Date:November 17, 2020
Contact:Amy s Badura Brack, PhD

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Randomized Clinical Trials of Attention Control Training for PTSD Related to Combat or Interpersonal Violence

Participants will complete a pre and post training psychological assessment. Participants
will be assigned to attention control training or the comparison stimuli computer task in a
double-blind randomized control trial design. Both computerized dot probe tasks display two
stimuli on a computer screen, one above the other, followed by a small right or left arrow
appearing in the location vacated by one of the stimuli. Participants are required to respond
as quickly as they can by pressing the indicated right or left arrow on their computer
keyboard without compromising accuracy. Participants complete 6 training sessions.

Inclusion Criteria:

- military veteran or woman exposed to interpersonal violence (e.g. domestic or sexual

- significant symptoms of PTSD

Exclusion Criteria:

- bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, OCD, unable to attend sessions sober.
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