Effect of a Warming Mattress on Perioperative Hypothermia Following Cesarean Delivery

Therapuetic Areas:Other
Age Range:18 - 65
Start Date:June 5, 2017
End Date:January 1, 2018

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The primary aim of the current study will be to determine if the use of an underbody heating
mattress during cesarean sections will decrease the incidence of postoperative hypothermia,
defined as core temperature less than 36C, and if hypothermia occurs, time to normothermia.
As part of the primary outcome the difference in the incidence of shivering, its severity,
and need for treatment will be investigated. As a secondary goal other maternal perioperative
outcomes will be studied i.e. estimated blood loss, change in hemoglobin level on the morning
after surgery ie postop day 1, need for blood transfusion, rate of wound infections, length
of hospital stay, maternal satisfaction, time to first breastfeeding, time to first 'skin to
skin' contact. The relationship between maternal hypothermia and newborn outcomes of
temperature and APGAR scores will also be evaluated.

Active preoperative and intraoperative warming may prevents inadvertent perioperative
hypothermia and may be beneficial for pregnant patients undergoing cesarean delivery. The
underbody warming mattress may be a step towards finding a suitable form of warming that is
comfortable for awake patients, does not interfere with skin to skin contact and
maternal-fetal bonding.

Inclusion Criteria:

- will be age >18 years,

- singleton pregnancy >37 weeks,

- neuraxial anesthesia,

- healthy afebrile patients.

Exclusion Criteria:

- • will be age >18 years,

- singleton pregnancy >37 weeks,

- neuraxial anesthesia,

- healthy afebrile patients.
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