Impact of Duration Of Absolute Voice Rest on Voice Outcome After Phonomicrosurgery
Status: | Recruiting |
Healthy: | No |
Age Range: | 18 - Any |
Updated: | 3/24/2019 |
Start Date: | January 2016 |
End Date: | December 2020 |
Contact: | Christine L Harrison, BS |
Email: | |
Phone: | 412-232-9097 |
Absolute voice rest is commonly prescribed after vocal fold surgery, also known as
phonomicrosurgery, for benign vocal fold lesions. This is thought to decrease scarring of
vocal folds, which could result in increasing tissue stiffness and limitations in optimal
vocal outcome. Unfortunately there is no standardized protocol as to how long patients should
rest their voice after phonomicrosurgery. To date, there are no studies in the literature
directly comparing the impact of short-term and long-term voice rest on vocal fold healing
and voice outcome after phonomicrosurgery.
phonomicrosurgery, for benign vocal fold lesions. This is thought to decrease scarring of
vocal folds, which could result in increasing tissue stiffness and limitations in optimal
vocal outcome. Unfortunately there is no standardized protocol as to how long patients should
rest their voice after phonomicrosurgery. To date, there are no studies in the literature
directly comparing the impact of short-term and long-term voice rest on vocal fold healing
and voice outcome after phonomicrosurgery.
The purpose of this study is to determine whether 3 days versus 7 days of absolute voice rest
will result in different voice outcomes in patients who have undergone phonomicrosurgery for
benign vocal fold lesions.
will result in different voice outcomes in patients who have undergone phonomicrosurgery for
benign vocal fold lesions.
Inclusion Criteria:
1. Patients with benign mid membranous vocal fold lesions such as the following:
1. Polyps
2. Cysts
3. Sub-epithelial fibrous mass
2. Undergoing elective phonomicrosurgery for vocal fold lesions, which involves microflap
excision +/- truncation +/- steroid injection into the vocal folds.
3. Age 18 and older
Exclusion Criteria:
Patients with any of the following will be excluded from the study:
1. Reinke's edema
2. Active smokers
3. Ligamentous mid membranous vocal fold lesions
4. RRP (Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis)
5. Dysplasia
6. CIS (Carcinoma-in-situ)
7. SCC (squamous cell carcinoma)
8. Extent of surgery exceeds what is mentioned in the inclusion criteria (e.g., CO2
laser, balloon dilatation, vocal fold augmentation in addition to phonomicrosurgery)
9. Previous vocal fold surgery
10. Systemic steroids
11. History of systemic illness that could affect wound healing
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