Stitch Closure of PFO and Septal Repair

Status:Enrolling by invitation
Conditions:Cardiology, Cardiology
Therapuetic Areas:Cardiology / Vascular Diseases
Age Range:18 - 65
Start Date:November 20, 2017
End Date:November 20, 2022

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Suture Mediated Septal Defect Closure/Repair Evaluation of the NobleStitch EL System

The purpose of the STITCH study is to evaluate closure rates of clinically relevant septal
defects, including patent foramen ovale (PFO), Atrial Septal Defects (ASD - less than 1 cm
with redundant septal tissue), trans septal puncture sites, repair of Atrial Septal Aneurysm
(ASA) and rate of recurrent neurologic embolic events in patients with cryptogenic stroke and

Inclusion Criteria:


- ASD (less than 1 cm with redundant septal tissue)

- Trans Septal Puncture Sites

- ASA (when an appropriate PFO or small ASD defect is present)

- Stroke

- Trans ischemic Attack (TIA)

- Platypnea Orthodeoxia Syndrome

- Decompression Illness

Exclusion Criteria:

- Patients under 18 and over 65

- Patients who are not fluent in English
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3300 Gallows Road
Falls Church, Virginia 22042
Falls Church, VA
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