A Study of AK002 in Patients With Atopic Keratoconjunctivitis, Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis, and Perennial Allergic Conjunctivitis

Status:Active, not recruiting
Therapuetic Areas:Ophthalmology
Age Range:18 - 80
Start Date:February 26, 2018
End Date:August 2019

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A Phase 1b, Open-Label, Multiple Dose, Proof-of-Concept Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, and Pharmacodynamics of AK002 in Patients With Atopic Keratoconjunctivitis, Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis, and Perennial Allergic Conjunctivitis

This is a Phase 1b, open-label, study to assess the effects of AK002, given as monthly
intravenous infusion for 6 doses at up to 3 mg/kg.

Inclusion Criteria:

1. Provided written informed consent

2. Male or female aged ≥18 and ≤80 years at the time of signing the informed consent form

3. Confirmed diagnosis of AKC, VKC, or PAC and an average total ACS score of ≥15
calculated from all daily ACS questionnaires completed during the screening period
(minimum of 14 daily ACS questionnaires must be completed). Total ACS score is the sum
of itching, light sensitivity, eye pain, foreign body sensation, and watering symptom
scores (and excludes atopic dermatitis, allergic asthma, and allergic rhinitis

4. History of topical corticosteroid and/or systemic corticosteroid use for the treatment
of allergic conjunctivitis (AKC, VKC, or PAC)

5. Stable dose(s) of allowed AKC, VKC, or PAC medication(s) during the 14 days prior to
Day 1; and commitment to remaining on the same dose(s) of AKC, VKC, or PAC
medication(s) for the entire duration of study participation (unless dose modification
is due to unforeseen medical necessity) per Section 8.1 and Section 8.2.

6. Willing and able to comply with the study procedures and visit schedule, including
follow-up visits

7. Negative Screening ova and parasite test

8. Female patients must be either post-menopausal for at least 1 year with FSH level >40
mIU/mL at Screening or surgically sterile (tubal ligation, hysterectomy or bilateral
oophorectomy) for at least 3 months, or if of child-bearing potential, have a negative
pregnancy test and agree to use dual methods of contraception, or abstain from sexual
activity from Screening until the end of the study, or for 120 days following the last
dose of study drug, whichever is longer.

Male patients with female partners of childbearing potential must agree to use a highly
effective method of contraception from Screening until the end of the study or for 120 days
following the last dose of study drug, whichever is longer. All fertile men with female
partners of childbearing potential should be instructed to contact the Investigator
immediately if they suspect their partner might be pregnant (e.g., missed or late menstrual
period) at any time during study participation.

Exclusion Criteria:

1. Known hypersensitivity to any constituent of the study drug

2. Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant while
participating in the study

3. Presence of abnormal laboratory values considered to be clinically significant by the

4. Any disease or condition (medical or surgical) which, in the opinion of the
Investigator, would place the patient at increased risk

5. History of malignancy, exempting: carcinoma in situ in the cervix, early stage
prostate cancer, non-melanoma skin cancers, or cancers that have been in remission for
more than 5 years and are considered cured (except for breast cancer). All history of
malignancy (including diagnosis, dates, and compliance with cancer screening
recommendations) must be documented and certified by the Investigator.

6. Contact lens use within 48 hours prior to first AK002 dose

7. Participation in a concurrent interventional study with the last intervention
occurring within 30 days prior to administration of study drug (or 90 days or 5
half-lives, whichever is longer, for biologic products)

8. Treatment with chemotherapy or radiotherapy in the preceding 6 months

9. Treatment for a clinically significant helminthic parasitic infection within 6 months
of screening

10. Use during the 30 days before Screening (or 5 half-lives, whichever is longer) or use
during the Screening period of topical decongestants, topical vasoconstrictors,
topical calcineurin inhibitors, topical corticosteroids*, omalizumab, dupilumab,
systemic immunosuppressive drugs, or systemic corticosteroids with a daily dose >10 mg
prednisone or equivalent per Section 8.1 and Section 8.2

*Topical corticosteroids for atopic dermatitis, corticosteroid nasal sprays for
rhinitis, and inhaled corticosteroids for allergic asthma are allowed.

11. Vaccination with live attenuated vaccines within 30 days prior to initiation of
treatment in the study, during the treatment period, or vaccination expected within 5
half-lives (4 months) of the study drug administration

12. Positive hepatitis serology results, except for vaccinated patients or patients with
past but resolved hepatitis, at Screening

13. Positive HIV serology results at Screening

14. Known history of alcohol, drug, or other substance abuse or dependence

15. Any other reason that (in the opinion of the Investigator or Medical Monitor) makes
the patient unsuitable for enrollment
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