Instrument for Glaucoma Early Detection and Monitoring

Therapuetic Areas:Ophthalmology
Age Range:40 - 75
Start Date:January 2008
End Date:April 2010
Contact:George Hu, Ph.D.
Phone:(908) 725-5213

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SBIR II Instrument for Glaucoma Early Detection and Monitoring

To introduce a rapid and objective electrophysiological technique that can assess visual
function in the magnocellular pathway, which is thought to be affected in early-stage

The clinical study will evaluate a novel instrument designed to record visual evoked
potentials elicited by stimuli determined in prior research (Greenstein et al., 1998; Badr
et al., 2003) to drive select visual pathways that exhibit glaucomatous damage in an
efficient and automated manner. The results obtained with this novel device will be compared
with results obtained using an existing commercial device. Statistical results, sensitivity
and specificity, will be generated for the assessment of the accuracy of the test to
discriminate glaucoma patients from controls. Repeatability of the test will also be
analyzed based on the test-retest results.

Visual evoked potential (VEP) is a measure of neural function in the eye and brain. Three
skin electrodes are placed on the surface of the scalp to record the electrical activity
from the brain while the subject is observing a flickering stimulus with isolated-check/dot
pattern. The whole procedure is non-invasive and the risks are negligible.

Isolated-Check/dot Stimuli of about 10 Hz with luminance contrast of 10%, 15%, -10%, and
-15% will be used to test each eye. Eight samples for each stimulus will be recorded. Each
experimental run takes 2 seconds. The T-circ statistical method is performed to process the
data, and the VEP signal to noise ratio (SNR) is calculated in order to obtain an optimized
condition (stimulus and threshold) to separate glaucoma patients and normal group.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Age: 40 - 75 years old

- Visual acuity: 20/30 or better

Exclusion Criteria:

- Eye disease other than glaucoma
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