Latinos CARES (Colorectal Cancer Awareness, Research, Education and Screening)

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Colorectal Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:50 - 70
Start Date:April 28, 2014
End Date:July 2019

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Latinos CARES (Colorectal Cancer Awareness, Research, Education and Screening) Project

The purpose of this study is to conduct 4 focus groups and recruit for 12 participants per
focus group to explore community members' views about colorectal cancer screening (CRCS)
processes and perceived benefits and impediments, what information they believe should be
communicated, communication preferences (style, tone) and perceptions of screenings.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Men and women, age 50-75 years

- Self-identify as Hispanic/Latino

- Able to understand, read, and speak Spanish

- Prefer to receive health information in Spanish

- Previously screened or not screened
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