A Study to Compare Neostigmine vs Sugammadex in Length of PACU Stay in Patients Undergoing Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery

Therapuetic Areas:Other
Age Range:18 - 85
Start Date:February 12, 2018
End Date:November 8, 2018

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A Randomized Prospective Study to Compare the Effectiveness of Neostigmine Versus Sugammadex in Length of PACU Stay in ASA II and III Patients Undergoing Sleeve Gastrectomy Bariatric Surgery

The investigators will track bariatric patients who received sugammadex versus neostigmine in
the post anesthesia care unit until discharge and assess their length of stay and possible
nausea / vomiting / hypoxia episodes.

During their preadmission testing, patients planning to undergo sleeve gastrectomy bariatric
surgeries will be consented (by having them sign consent forms) and recruited for the study.
A trained individual will track these patients after the surgery in the post anesthesia care
unit until discharge and assess their length of stay and possible nausea / vomiting. The
exact time the investigators are looking to assess is patient arrival to the post anesthesia
care unit until patient ready for discharge when the anesthesiologist writes the anesthesia
evaluation. The time the reversal agent is administered during the start of skin closure
until patient medically ready to leave the post anesthesia care unit will also be taken into
account. Blinded to the treatment group, the trained individual will ask each patient every
15 minutes after arrival to the post anesthesia care unit if they are experiencing nausea or
vomiting. As an exploratory measure, the trained individual will assess the patient at these
same times (every 15 minutes) and determine their oxygen saturation. The investigators will
take all the data from the observations and use statistical means to measure what is
significant. A discussion and conclusion will follow. Finally, the principal investigator
will submit the study outcomes to an anesthesia journal.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Patients having sleeve gastrectomy

- Surgeries performed by a particular surgeon - Dr. Sam Wasser

- Body Mass Index greater than 35

- American Society of Anesthesiologists Score II and III patients

Exclusion Criteria:

- Patients having a different type of bariatric surgery including but not limited to
duodenal switch, gastric bypass, hand-assisted laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy

- Sleeve gastrectomy's performed by other surgeons than Dr. Sam Wasser.

- Pregnancy

- Allergic to sugammadex, Zofran or scopolamine

- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or Asthma that is uncontrolled

- American Society of Anesthesiologists Score I, IV, V patients
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Mount Holly, New Jersey 08060
Phone: 609-914-8744
Mount Holly, NJ
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