Safety and Tolerability of TAR-302-5018 in Subjects With Neurogenic Detrusor Overactivity Resulting From Spinal Cord Injury

Status:Active, not recruiting
Therapuetic Areas:Other
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:April 24, 2017
End Date:September 30, 2018

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A Prospective, Multi-center, Open-label Study of Trospium Delivered Intravesically by TAR-302-5018 to Spinal Cord Injury Subjects With Neurogenic Detrusor Overactivity (NDO)

The purpose of this study is to determine if TAR-302-5018, an investigational drug-delivery
system, is safe and tolerable in patients with neurogenic detrusor overactivity (NDO)
resulting from spinal cord injury (SCI).

Inclusion Criteria

1. Diagnosis of traumatic or nontraumatic suprasacral SCI for longer than 6 months and a
documented history of NDO.

2. Age ≥ 18 years.

3. Demonstrated competence in and currently uses intermittent catheterization (IC) to
empty the bladder (minimum of 4 IC events/day).

- No indwelling catheter permitted

- Caregiver may perform IC

- Subject must be willing to maintain an established IC frequency throughout the

4. History of non-stress-based urinary incontinence.

Exclusion Criteria

1. Participation in another drug or device study within 60 days prior to the screening

2. Previous urologic surgery that either decreases outlet resistance (transurethral
prostatectomy, urethral stent, sphincterotomy) or changes native bladder anatomy
(bladder augmentation).

3. Presence of significant renal dysfunction at screening (Glomerular Filtration Rate <
30 mL/min).

4. Presence of significant polyuria of any cause at screening (urine output > 4,000

5. History of pelvic radiation.

6. History of either bladder cancer or bladder pathology that the investigator deems
unfit for study inclusion.

7. Active malignancies within 12 months with the exception of those with a negligible
risk of metastasis or death treated with expected curative outcome.

8. Symptomatic autonomic dysreflexia requiring ongoing treatment.

9. In the opinion of the investigator, the subject has a history of significant stress
urinary incontinence.

10. Subjects with active bladder stones or history of bladder stones < 6 months prior to
study entry.

11. History of recurrent symptomatic UTIs (> 6 per 1 year).

12. Subjects with either untreated urinary retention or gastric retention or uncontrolled
narrow-angle glaucoma.

13. Subjects with known hypersensitivity to trospium or chemically-related drugs.

14. Subjects with known hypersensitivity to nitinol or silicone.

15. Subjects actively taking oral trospium. If previously used and discontinued, these
medications must have been stopped for >2 weeks.

16. The addition of a new or a change in dose to a current medication for the treatment of
OAB (i.e. anticholinergics, beta-3 adrenergic agonists, antispasmodics,
antidepressants, or hormones) within 30 days prior to signing the Informed Consent
Form (ICF). A current dose must continue through the final study visit. If previously
used and discontinued, these medications must have been stopped for > 2 weeks prior to
Day 0.

17. Intravesical onabotulinum toxin use within the last 9 months prior to the screening

18. Intravesical anticholinergic medications within the last 30 days prior to the
screening visit.

19. History of non-medication based therapy (i.e. Interstim therapy) for the treatment of
OAB. History of non-invasive neuromodulation (i.e. Percutaneous Tibial Nerve
Stimulation (PTNS)) is allowed if discontinued at least 8 weeks prior to Study Day 0.

20. Female subject who is pregnant (as verified by urine test at time of screening) or
lactating or of childbearing potential and not using acceptable methods of

21. Subject has a medical condition that may cause noncompliance with the study protocol.

22. Subject refuses to provide written informed consent.

23. Subject will be unable or unwilling to complete the questionnaires, diaries, or attend
all protocol mandated study visits.

24. Presence of any bladder or urethral anatomic feature that in the opinion of the
investigator may prevent the safe placement, indwelling use or removal of

25. History or presence of any significant cardiovascular, pulmonary, hepatic, renal,
gastrointestinal, gynecological, endocrine, immunological, dermatological,
neurological or psychiatric disease or disorder that, in the opinion of the
investigator, contraindicates participation.

26. History of any of the following within 3 months prior to Screening Visit:

1. Major illness/major surgery (requiring hospitalization), including pelvic, lower
back surgery or procedure unrelated to bladder cancer; most outpatient procedures
are not exclusionary

2. Renal or ureteral stone disease or instrumentation

3. Childbirth

27. Difficulty providing blood samples.

28. Other unspecified reasons that, in the opinion of the investigator or TARIS, make the
subject unsuitable for enrollment.
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