Computed Radiography (CR) Data Collection for Mammography Computer Aided Detection (CAD)

Conditions:Breast Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:40 - 85
Start Date:May 2007
End Date:June 2008

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The objective of this study is to collect an image library of diagnostic digital mammograms
using the Carestream CR mammography system from patients who have histological-conformed
breast cancer to demonstrate the clinical feasibility of this system for detection of breast

Inclusion Requirements

- Women age 40 to 85

- Recommended for biopsy and BI-RADS assessment of category 4 (suspicious abnormality)
or 5 (highly suggestive of malignancy)

- Able to have MLO and CC views taken

- Good general health

- Able and willing to provide a written Informed Consent

Exclusion Requirements

- Under age 40

- Pregnant or suspicious of being pregnant

- Breast implants

- Breasts too large to be adequately positioned on a 24 x 30 cassette

- Personal history of breast cancer treated with a lumpectomy

- Unable or unwilling to provide a written Informed Consent form
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Orange, CA
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