Bandage Contact Lenses for Corneal Abrasions

Age Range:18 - 65
Start Date:July 1, 2017
End Date:March 1, 2019
Contact:David Tanen, MD

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Bandage Contact Lenses to Decrease Pain and Improve Healing in Emergency Department Subjects Presenting With Corneal Abrasions

Two percent of all patients presenting to the Emergency Departments have complaints involving
the eye. Corneal abrasions are a common diagnosis with patients with eye pain and often cause
significant discomfort. Current treatment includes a thorough evaluation of the eye followed
by patching, empiric antibiotics, cycloplegics and oral pain medicines. This study will be a
randomized controlled trial to determine the safety and efficacy of BCLs. It will involve the
initial patient evaluation followed by a return visit to the Emergency Department within 36
hours for re-examination. At each visit, the patient will be assessed for the size and
location of the abrasion along with their report of pain using a visual analog scale. Data
will be recorded on a standard data collection sheet. Telephone contact will be made at 30
days to ensure resolution of abrasion and that no complications ensued.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Subjects between ages 18-65 years who present to the emergency department.

- Traumatic corneal abrasion not associated with contact lens use or communicating or
adjacent wounds to the eye.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Pregnant women

- Breast-feeding women

- Corneal abrasion associated with the wearing contact lenses

- Evidence of corneal ulcer, glaucoma or other ocular pathology, monocular vision

- Wound healing deficits such as collagen vascular disease or concomitant steroid use

- Use of other ocular medications, dry eyes, blepharitis

- Systemic infections

- Known allergies to medicines used in the study
We found this trial at
1000 W Carson St
Torrance, California 90502
Phone: 210-222-3501
Torrance, CA
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