Oral Intake During Labor

Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:October 1, 2017
End Date:December 31, 2019
Contact:Jeanette M Anderson, MSN

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Unrestricted Low Fat, Low Residue Oral Intake During Labor: A Randomized Controlled Study

A RCT to evaluate the impact of unrestricted low fat, low residue oral intake during labor on
maternal and neonatal outcomes as well as maternal satisfaction.

This study is a quantitative, randomized experimental design study to determine the impact of
unrestricted low fat, low residue oral intake during labor on the indicated outcome variables
and patient satisfaction. The comparison group will continue standard care of being allowed a
clear liquid during active labor (≥6cm dilation), while the experimental group would be
allowed to self-regulate oral intake with a low fat, low residue diet during active labor.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Pregnant women over age 18

- 37 weeks gestation or greater at time of admission

- singleton fetus

- cephalic presentation

- who plan to labor/deliver at DGMC (military beneficiaries).

Exclusion Criteria:

- Morbid/severe obesity (pre-pregnancy BMI ≥40 kg/m2

- diabetes

- hypertension (to include pre-eclampsia or eclampsia)

- previous cesarean section

- uncontrolled GERD (symptomatic with medication)

- past history or current diagnosis of hyperemesis gravidarum

- food allergies to any items contained in the gastric/soft bland diet

- patients utilizing nitrous oxide for labor analgesia (should this treatment be
available at DGMC)

- Difficult airway as defined by the anesthesia staff.

- Mallampati score 3 or 4

- Thyroid mental distance less than 7 cm or 3 finger breaths

- Mouth opening less than 3 finger breaths

- Short thick neck, Micrognathia

- Further indications as determined by the anesthesia provider doing the anesthesia
preoperative assessment (pregnancy in and of itself will not be considered a
disqualifier due to airway changes during labor)" in order to define difficult airway
per anesthesia.
We found this trial at
101 Bodin Circle
Travis Air Force Base, California 94535
Principal Investigator: Jeanette Brogan, MSN
Phone: 707-423-7206
Travis Air Force Base, CA
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