Strides for Life I: Increasing Physical Activity in Stage 1 Lung Cancer Patients

Conditions:Lung Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - 110
Start Date:April 2016
End Date:October 2017

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Strides For Life I: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Induction of Positive Affect to Increase Physical Activity in Early Stage Lung Cancer Survivors

This randomized controlled trial will evaluate, among 54 stage early stage lung cancer
patients, whether a behavioral intervention versus an educational Control group results in
improved function at 6-months.

This is a two arm randomized controlled trial that will evaluate, among 54 stage 1 non-small
cell lung cancer patients, whether induction of positive affect vs. an educational Control
group, results in improved function as assessed by the 6-minute Walk Test. Our primary
outcome will be a within-patient change in the 6-Minute Walk Test at 6 months.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Non-small cell lung cancer (Stage 1)

Exclusion Criteria:

1. Cognitive impairment

2. Inability to walk

3. < 12 month anticipated survival

4. enrollment in other behavioral programs

5. lack of medical approval to participate

6. substance/alcohol dependence or participation in a substance abuse treatment program
within 12 months

7. major psychiatric illness.
We found this trial at
New York, New York 10021
New York, NY
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