Improving Self-Management in Adolescents With Sickle Cell Disease

Therapuetic Areas:Hematology
Age Range:13 - 21
Start Date:March 31, 2016
End Date:March 31, 2018

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SCThrive: Improving Self-Management in Adolescents With Sickle Cell Disease

The objective of this study is to determine the feasibility and acceptability of SCThrive, a
an innovative, technology-enhanced, group self-management intervention that uses a mixed
in-person and online format and supported by a tailored mHealth tool, iManage. The study will
also evaluate the initial efficacy of SCThrive for increasing behavioral activation (BA) in
adolescents with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) ages 13 to 21. The investigators hypothesize that
participants in the SCThrive group will show greater BA (primary outcome) at post-treatment
than the attention control group, and that participants in the SCThrive group will continue
to show significantly greater BA at the six week follow-up compared to the attention control
group. Investigators will also explore whether SCThrive is associated with greater
improvements in self-management behaviors and quality of life (secondary outcome) compared to
attention control at the six-week follow-up assessment.

The objective of this study is to determine the feasibility and acceptability of SCThrive, a
an innovative, technology-enhanced, group self-management intervention that uses a mixed
in-person and online format and supported by a tailored mHealth tool, iManage. The study will
also evaluate the initial efficacy of SCThrive for increasing behavioral activation (BA) in
adolescents with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) ages 13 to 21.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Patient of CCHMC Sickle Cell Clinic.

- Confirmed diagnosis of SCD with SS, SB0Thal or SC genotype.

- 13-21 years of age.

- On or eligible for disease-modifying therapies.

- Caregiver (or AYA > 18 years) consent that the participant will be the sole user of
the tablet, report immediately if it is damaged or lost, return it at the end of the
study, and log on to sessions from a private location.

Exclusion Criteria:

- another chronic disease (which would complicate measurement of behavioral activation)

- Non-English-speaking (<5% of the target population); or

- cognitive or psychiatric disorder that the physician or study therapists believe would
impair study participation. Patients who desire participation but are not eligible
will be referred to the SCD Clinic social worker for assistance with self-management
as this is the usual procedure.
We found this trial at
3333 Burnet Avenue # Mlc3008
Cincinnati, Ohio 45229
Principal Investigator: Lori E Crosby, PsyD
Phone: 513-636-3203
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Patients and families from across the region and around the...
Cincinnati, OH
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