Stories for Change: Digital Storytelling as a Tool for Engagement in Facilitated Discussion for Diabetes

Therapuetic Areas:Endocrinology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:November 2016
End Date:December 2017

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Stories for Change: Digital Storytelling as a Tool for Engagement in Facilitated Discussion for Reduction of Diabetes-Related Health Disparities

Racial and ethnic minorities with type II diabetes in the US are more likely to develop
complications and die from the disease than the general population. The foreign-born subset
of this population is less likely to adhere to diabetes care recommendations than US-born
patients, thereby placing them at higher risk for complications. In our previous pilot
project, eight stories were assessed through preliminary multi-site intervention for
acceptability and efficacy in diabetes management among Latino and Somali patients with
poorly controlled type II diabetes. The goal of this project is to evaluate a new format for
delivery of a culturally tailored digital storytelling intervention by incorporating a
facilitated group discussion following the videos, for management of type II diabetes in
Latino communities.

Inclusion criteria:

1. Self-identify as Hispanic/Latino

2. Are Spanish-speaking

3. Receive primary care at one of the participating clinical sites

4. Self-reported diagnosis of type II diabetes

Exclusion criteria:

1. Not able to give informed consent

2. Not able to participate in a group discussion
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