Utility and Cost-effectiveness of Microscopic Examination of the Neck Dissection.

Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:Any
Start Date:January 1, 2013
End Date:December 31, 2017

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Utility and Cost-effectiveness of Microscopic Examination of the Neck Dissection Specimen in Its Entirety.

Most patients with cancer of the head and neck are offered surgical resection of the primary
tumor. In order to determine how the tumor will eventually behave, along with the resection
of the primary tumor, lymph nodes present in the neck are also dissected. Different
institutes have different protocol on handling of the specimen that is received by the
pathology labs after dissection of the neck. The investigators intend to analyze the protocol
that they use to evaluate the neck dissection specimen.

This will be a retrospective study. All neck dissections received in the histology laboratory
from Jan 2013 to December 2016 will be retrieved from the histopathology files by conducting
a search through CoPath. The glass slides of all the neck dissections that fit the study
criterion will be retrieved from the archives. The glass slides will be reviewed by the

At the time of review number of lymph nodes identified microscopically, presence or absence
of metastasis and if the Lymph Nodes (LN) were palpable or not palpable will be documented.
The data will be analyzed to see if the submission of extra fat yielded any additional
positive lymph nodes or microscopic deposits. The cost analysis for additional slides will be
also done.

Inclusion Criteria:

1. Neck dissection (unilateral and/or bilateral)

2. Primary squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck

Exclusion Criteria:

1. Any neck dissection performed outside UMMC and case received as a consult.
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