Cognitive Aspects of Response to Treatment for Weight-related Health to Improve Eating and Exercise Earlier in Life

Conditions:Obesity Weight Loss
Therapuetic Areas:Endocrinology
Age Range:8 - 12
Start Date:June 4, 2018
End Date:February 28, 2019

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Using Executive Function to Predict Outcomes and Adherence in Family-based Behavioral Weight Management

We plan to examine whether child and parental cognitive/executive function predict body
composition outcomes and adherence to a 6-month protocol of Family-Based Behavioral Treatment
(FBT), for pediatric obesity. Our objectives are to: (1) examine the effects of parent and
child complex cognitive functions on treatment outcomes and adherence in a 6-month FBT
program for obesity in a diverse group of children aged 8-12 (total of 16 child-parent
pairs), and (2) examine the strength of the relationship between parent and child cognitive
function. We hypothesize that children with poorer executive function, and those who have
parents with poorer executive function, will have poorer body composition and adherence

Baseline assessments will include child and parent demographic data, medical history, and
cognitive functioning, along with anthropometric measures such as height, weight, and body
composition. Those who complete baseline assessments will be enrolled in one of two groups of
family-based treatment on after-school evenings (8 pairs in each group; total of 16
child-caregiver pairs). A total of 24 weekly treatment sessions lasting up to 90 minutes each
will be held over 6 months. Family-based behavioral treatment is a manualized, group
intervention for children with obesity and their caregivers that incorporate
participant-driven goal-based changes in diet and physical activity, and a variety of
interactive educational session topics and behavioral support for reaching goals. A private
weigh-in for children and caregivers will be conducted at each session. Sessions will begin
with check-in with each family about weekly goal progress, after which the caregivers and
children will split into separate groups for session-specific content including educational
material tailored to nutrition, eating, and activity. The final portion of group session will
involve children and caregivers merging in one group to share learning experiences and engage
in collaborative goal-setting for the upcoming week(s). After the six month family-based
behavioral intervention, baseline measures will be reassessed as well as overall program
adherence. Program adherence will be evaluated using weekly program attendance and the number
of days dietary/physical activity self-monitoring logs were completed.

Inclusion Criteria:

1. Have a BMI ≥ 85th percentile

2. Are ≥8 and ≤12 years old at the beginning of treatment

3. Can read, write, and speak English, along with their parent

4. Plan to stay living within the local area during the study period

5. Have a consenting parent who can commit to all study procedures and provide reliable

- Siblings will be eligible for study inclusion if they meet the above criteria and
will be allowed to use the same participating parent (sibling effects would then
be addressed in statistical analyses).

Exclusion Criteria:

1. Have been diagnosed with a medical condition and/or are taking medication known to
affect appetite/weight

2. Are currently participating in a formal weight management program beyond their usual
medical care or have a parent participating in a formal weight management program

3. Have been diagnosed with an intellectual disability or traumatic brain injury

4. Have medical contraindications to physical activity.
We found this trial at
1720 2nd Ave S
Birmingham, Alabama 35233
(205) 934-4011 
Principal Investigator: Marissa Gowey, PhD
Phone: 205-638-6543
University of Alabama at Birmingham The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) traces its roots...
Birmingham, AL
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