A Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Product X92001327 vs RID Shampoo in Subjects With Head Lice

Conditions:Infectious Disease
Therapuetic Areas:Immunology / Infectious Diseases
Age Range:1 - Any
Start Date:March 5, 2013
End Date:August 12, 2013

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A Randomized, Controlled, Investigator-blinded, Comparative Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Product X92001327 vs RID Shampoo in Subjects With Head Lice

The purpose of this study is to compare the efficacy and safety of an insecticide-free head
lice product with that of a pyrethrum-based product.

The primary objective of the study was to compare the safety and efficacy of X92001327 versus
RID in subjects with head lice. The subjects received a single application on Day 0 of either
X92001327 or RID shampoo based on the randomization schedule. A repeat application of the
test product was administered on Day 7. Subjects visited the clinic four times: on Day 0, Day
1, Day 7 and Day 10.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Male or female over the age of 1 at the time of signing the informed consent or giving

- Have an active head lice infestation of at least 5 live lice and 5 viable nits

- subject must be capable of understanding and providing written informed consent

- agree not to use any other pediculicides or medicated hair grooming products for the
duration of the study

- agree not to use a lice comb during the study

- the parent or guardian of a child must be willing to have other family members
screened for head lice.

- have a single place of residence

Exclusion Criteria:

- used any form of head lice treatment whether prescription or over the counter or home
remedy at least four weeks prior to their screening visit

- used any topical medication of any kind for a period of 48 hours prior to the
screening visit

- individuals on systemic or topical drugs or medications, including systemic
antibiotics, which in the opinion of the investigative personnel may interfere with
the study results

- has a history of allergy or hypersensitivity to ragweed, hydrocarbons, sesame oil,
perfume or any ingredient in either test product

- individuals with any visible skin/scalp condition at the treatment site which, in the
opinion of the investigative personnel will interfere with the evaluation of the test

- individuals who, in the opinion of the investigative personnel do not understand the
subject requirements for study participation and/or may be likely to exhibit poor
compliance with the required visits

- females who are pregnant or nursing

- patients that have taken trimethoprim or a combination of sulfamethoxazole at
evaluation or during the previous 4 weeks

- subjects with hair longer than mid back
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Plantation, Florida 33313
Plantation, FL
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