Modulating Movement Intention

Conditions:Neurology, Neurology, Neurology
Therapuetic Areas:Neurology
Age Range:18 - 65
Start Date:July 20, 2017
End Date:June 2019
Contact:Steven Stork
Phone:212 263 0001

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Modulating Movement Intention Via Cortical Stimulation in Healthy Subjects and Patients With Psychogenic Movement Disorders and Non-epileptic Seizures

The purpose of this protocol is to learn about movement intention and volition. To improve
such knowledge, investigators will conduct sub-studies using multiple non-invasive
methodologies. These results could provide preliminary data for subsequent studies evaluating
local and global efficacy of plasticity-inducing treatments for PMD symptoms.

This study will:

- Explore effects of TMS and tDCS on movement intention.

- Discern the neural activity underlying modulation of movement intention with
neuroimaging recording.

- Identify brain stimulation's effect in patients with psychogenic tremor and
non-epileptic seizures.

- Technical development of new experimental paradigms and data analysis methods.

- Data collection for hypotheses development.

Inclusion Criteria:

(Healthy Controls)

- Fluent in English

(Patients with PMD or PNES):

- Diagnosis of PMD/PNES confirmed by a neurologist with expertise in movement disorders.

- Per the treating neurologist, subject is unlikely to require treatment and/or dosage
changes for 3-6 months following screening

Exclusion Criteria:

- Any history of a significant neurological disorder, which may interfere with the
interpretation of study data, as determined by the PI

- Chronic or progressive medical condition

- Any history of traumatic brain injury or significant head trauma

- Currently meets criteria for substance abuse or dependence

- History of any psychotic disorder or other psychiatric condition which may interfere
with data interpretation

- Pregnancy

- Metal or devices in the head, including neurostimulators or metal foreign bodies

- Any other implanted metal device, including pacemaker, spinal cord stimulator, VNS.

- Any other ferromagnetic substance in the body that may increase study risk (including
dental prosthetics, etc.).

- Taking tricyclic antidepressant or antiepileptic medications or CNS active drugs under
"strong potential hazard" list in Rossi et al., 2009

- Current diagnosis of any inflammatory or autoimmune disorder within last 6 months

PMD and PNES Patients

- Any history of traumatic brain injury or significant head trauma

- Diagnosis of organic seizure disorder, including febrile seizures and tonic-clonic

- Neurological disorder other than PMD and PNES including stroke, fainting spells or
syncope of unknown cause(s);

- Major or unstable medical illness, especially any current diagnosis of inflammatory or
autoimmune disorders within last 6 months

- Metal or devices in the head, including neurostimulators or metal foreign bodies

- Taking tricyclic antidepressant medications or CNS active drugs under "strong
potential hazard" list in Rossi et al., 2009;

- Diagnosis of dementia, or Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) ≤24;

- Recurrent visual hallucinations, within the past 6 months;

- History of significant uncontrollable movements of the head;

- Any clinically significant abnormality on vital signs
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Principal Investigator: Biyu He, MD
Phone: 212-263-0001
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