A Multi-Method Early Intervention Program for Inhibited and Anxious Preschoolers

Conditions:Anxiety, Anxiety
Therapuetic Areas:Psychiatry / Psychology
Age Range:Any
Start Date:February 1, 2010
End Date:November 30, 2012

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This project aims to develop and evaluate a novel early intervention program that targets the
specific risk factors implicated in the development and persistence of shyness, social
reticence, and withdrawal in children. The project includes a program development phase,
Phase I (pilot test of full study procedures using developed treatment protocol), and Phase
II (randomized controlled trial/RCT). Outcomes that will be assessed include change in child
behavioral inhibition and parenting, using parent and teacher reports and observational data.
Families are assessed at three time points: baseline, post-treatment (or at approximately 8
weeks for the control group), and 2 month follow-up.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Child must be attending preschool; child must score within top 15% on parent-rated
Behavioral Inhibition Questionnaire; child has a biological parent with at least 50%
physical custody who consents to participate

Exclusion Criteria:

- Child has a diagnosis of pervasive developmental disorder or mental retardation; child
scores above clinical cutoff on Social Communication Questionnaire; child is currently
receiving treatment for anxiety
We found this trial at
College Park, Maryland 20742
College Park, MD
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