Fujifilm DBT Plus S-View Versus FFDM Alone in the Detection of Breast Cancer

Conditions:Breast Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:November 3, 2017
End Date:February 15, 2018

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A Multi-Reader Multi-Case Controlled Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Comparative Accuracy of the Fujifilm DBT Plus S-View Versus FFDM Alone in the Detection of Breast Cancer - A Pilot Study

The purpose of this pilot is to provide credible performance estimate information in order to
conduct a subsequent pivotal reader study.

This clinical research is a retrospective, pilot, multi-reader, multi-case (MRMC) study with
an enriched sample of 100 breast screening or diagnostic cases which were selected from the
library of mammograms collected under Fujifilm protocol FMSU2013-004A (all subjects
previously provided written informed consent agreeing their image data and supporting
documentation could be used for future research and investigations). Approximately 6
qualified radiologists will independently perform two reads on all (approximately 100) cases.
Each reader will read each case both as a FFDM read, and a DBT plus S-View read on the ASPIRE
Bellus II workstation.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Female subjects participating in FMSU2013-004A protocol with known clinical status

Exclusion Criteria:

- Female subjects that did not have known clinical status in FMSU2013-004A
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